Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump/Tea assholes tried to ruin parade

A couple things happened at the parade and the aftermath.

I went to the parade and didn't see what happened but I have heard from two others about what happened. My roommate went down to get popsickles and snacks and saw a Trump or TEA Party man (by Circle K) going through the crowd and trying to fight people. He was a white male, 30ish, beard, brown hair, white shirt, red hat, tan or beige shorts.

I also heard about the Tea Party float heckling the crowd because somebody turned their back on them:

This afternoon, the Tea klan spammed Bellevue Alliance on Facebook with fake news. I'm not on Facebook, so I was told about it on the other blog.

At least the people in the parade threw out BUBBLE GUM (Bandit, that's for you!!)


  1. Facebook deleted the post in the Dayton group about it because some Tea Party crybaby complained.

  2. A real grownup person is now issuing threats after I posted about yesterday's incidents at the parade...

    "You need to watch what you say before harassment become a big issue for you."

    Ooh! I'm scared!
