Monday, May 29, 2017

Trump/Tea assholes tried to ruin parade

A couple things happened at the parade and the aftermath.

I went to the parade and didn't see what happened but I have heard from two others about what happened. My roommate went down to get popsickles and snacks and saw a Trump or TEA Party man (by Circle K) going through the crowd and trying to fight people. He was a white male, 30ish, beard, brown hair, white shirt, red hat, tan or beige shorts.

I also heard about the Tea Party float heckling the crowd because somebody turned their back on them:

This afternoon, the Tea klan spammed Bellevue Alliance on Facebook with fake news. I'm not on Facebook, so I was told about it on the other blog.

At least the people in the parade threw out BUBBLE GUM (Bandit, that's for you!!)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Trump is Reagan 2.0 only a lot worse

Does anybody still admit they voted for this asshole?? He makes Ronald Reagan look like JFK.

Hope the kids of today have something positive to show for it when their parents lose their job because of this asshole. After Reagan, I bore up, made lemonade out of lemons, but I don't know if the kids of today have the love and encouragement.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tim Allen, you're no Carroll O'Connor!!

I used to love Tim Allen, but Carroll O'Connor he is not.

I didn't know he had a new show, "Last Man Standing", until I turned the TV there on accident and found a sitcom with him spewing ultra-conservative diatribe. Unlike Archie Bunker, Tim was held up as the hero of the show!!

I didn't know what the show was called until ABC shitcanned it!! I know about "Blue Bloods" where Tom Selleck plays a man named Reagan, but I didn't know what Tim Allen's dumb show was called!!

Conservatives are boycotting ABC because they canceled it. Poor things. Most shows don't get to run for six episodes, but this bullshit ran for six seasons. The conservatives should be praising the "liberal media" for having their show on for so long!!

I am sure the networks really wanted more of this conservativeness:

What liberal sitcoms or other shows are on TV?? I can't think of many.

Roor roor roor!!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

How I went from Sesame Street to MTV


I liked Sesame Street, my brother liked MTV, we only had one set, and he was MTV won out.

I used to watch Sesame Street when I was little. I was a Sesame Streeter. That came to an end after we got cable. My brother wanted to watch MTV. We fought like cats and dogs about it.

I gave in and let him have his MTV, and then I got into MTV myself. Loved what I saw. I got hooked when I saw a video on MTV where BIG BIRD fell from the ceiling!! This really happened my friends. I thought if Big Bird was on MTV, it has to be good!!

My brother still let me watch Sesame Street when Mr. Hooper died because I loved Mr. Hooper. I cried when I watched the part where Big Bird learned of his passing.

After I started watching MTV, I got interested in cable television acting. This was the push I needed. Thanks Bro!!