Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rochester NY station fires someone over racial slur, Q102 did not

A story about WHEC in Rochester NY which fired its meteorologist because he used a racist slur on-air.


My take: I bet he uses this terminology to refer to the park in private all the time, and slipped up and used it on the air!! It was a LIVE newscast so he couldn't go back and edit it. But, it's his own fault he got fired. If you don't want it to slip out on the air...DON'T SAY IT IN PRIVATE EITHER. Using a racist slur (even in private) is a bad habit and this is one of the reasons why.

I remember when a guy on Q102 (here in Cincy) said it!! I thought Q102 was a QUALITY station when I was growing up before they became SHITTY CASTERS 102!! That is when I stopped listening. Except one day after work I put the radio on Q102 and one of their dj's (I don't remember his name) said it when he was talking about a shooting in Over the Rhine.

This guy was still on the air for months (maybe years) after he said it.


  1. What year did it occur on Q-102?

    I remember once in the mid-'90s, I read that there was a broadcasting company in St. Louis where one of their executives used this same term at an employee meeting.
